Monday, December 26, 2011

My "love language"

The holidays were insane here. And from the sounds of it, it was insane everywhere.
My house was never so full of people and dogs and food and presents than it was yesterday. I'm still recovering, which is bad news for me considering I have to drive 8 hours back to Nashville tomorrow. I swear, every time I come home it doesn't feel like long enough. However, when I feel guilted that I haven't seen people as frequently as they/I would have liked, I have to remind myself that I do make the long haul from Tennessee to Michigan more often than most (at least every 3 months). So, I guess that makes me feel a little better. It was funny tonight though, talking with old friends from high school over beers and glasses of wine at a local restaurant, about our family life... I would say with utmost certainty that I'm closer with my family than most people I grew up with, even people that I'm currently friends with now in Nashville. No doubt that it's a blessing, but it doesn't come without consequence. I definitely feel the strain like I could have spent more time with "so and so" every time I load up the car to drive back. But 8 hours later, when I'm exhausted from my drive back, I tend to forgive myself and praise God that me & the Buick made it yet another 1000 mile trip.

Been talking to a lot of people about the current book I'm reading/listening to on audio book called "The Five Love Languages". I asked everyone at dinner tonight and it sparked a rather interesting conversation. According to this book, everyone has a dominant "love language". And if your partner doesn't recognize/understand that language then communication within that relationship pretty much a fruitless effort. It says that out of the following, one is dominant over all in your "love language": Words of Affirmations, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch.

While listening to this book on the trip up, I related to my most recent ex-boyfriends (which I've only had 2 ex-boyfriends for this year, if you were counting). I think I've nailed down what each one of their individual "love language" was, which was mind stimulating enough. Then the second half of the book is determining what yours is. I'm pretty sure I've got that pegged as well. However, that is for another blog entry. One in which I have more time and I will be not quite so buzzed from cheap local Pinot Noir.

Until next time, sweet blog o' mine ;)

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